Technical Manual Translation Services

Expert Telecommunication Translation Services

Technical manual translation by On The Dot Translations is a professional translation of texts with a lot of complex technical terms, as well as diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables and other graphic elements. It is carried out by narrowly focused translators and editors who specialize in specific business fields. Our manual translation on 100% corresponds to the source document and is provided to the client within the agreed time.

Why choose us for your technical manual translation

Here are several reasons why the translation of manual should be entrusted to the employees of the translation agency On The Dot Translations:

  • Any technical manual or accompanying documentation with the characteristics and operation features of the subject implies the presence of special vocabulary and industry terminology. Since the translation of technical terms is often characterized by a plurality of options, it is easy to get confused when interpreting a technical text. Employees of our company, in addition to linguistic knowledge, as a rule, have a second higher profile education and specialize in translating texts in their own well-known industry. This allows us to send any manual to the specialist of our agency who understands the technical essence of the text.
  • Often accompanying documentation and operating instructions have an impressive volume (up to several hundred pages). Coping with such a task is often very difficult and some agencies involve several specialists in their work. The different approach of the translators involved in the work leads to heterogeneity of the text, terminology, and style. In the translations we preserve the stylistic and lexical unity of the text and, as a rule, strictly adhere to the deadlines agreed in advance with the client.
technical manual of the Enterprise

About our translators

We select experts to translate your documents based on the subject of the text. In the process is involved an interpreter and editor. Quality control is present at each stage of the work. All translations are carried out in accordance with the international standard of quality.

We have a comprehensive approach to each project. You can get everything you need for a high-quality product just contacting our company. We justify the trust of our partners every year, offering them a set of services for solving complex tasks. Many large clients are already working with us.

Highly qualified specialists of On The Dot Translations will be happy to perform high-quality interpretation of technical manual from any of the foreign languages. You can learn more about services and other types of translation on the website or by visiting our office in New York.

Feel free to contact us for more information or discover more on our website and find out how we can help you grow your business.

The telecommunications industry is in a constant state of flux.